Saturday, August 18, 2012

Layover in Tokyo

 Just wanted to send you an update. We have a layover in Tokyo, Japan right now, we'll be leaving in about 2 hours for Shanghai! So far Trevor's system works in Japan, so I may still be able to communicate via facebook, google, and access a few other websites that are banned unless you have VPN. We'll find out!
I also wanted to let you know that I'll have a cell phone in China. The school provides it. It's free for me if you call me, and if you do it through Skype (not video call, just phone call) it's only 2 cents a minute. You probably would only want to do that if you wanted to communicate with me while I'm out and about. Other than that, i'll get back to you on my skyping schedule, since we have a 14 hour difference....hahaha.
So far it's nice and humid...I feel wet constantly.....haha, but hey! I will have very nice skin when i get back The jetlag is...yucky. But things are going good! I love you lots and I'll keep you posted!


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