Saturday, August 18, 2012

Safe and Sound :)

Hello again!
       I'm safely in Shanghai! Two adorable girls from the college picked us up, there names were Belle and Helen (age 22 and 21 from a college here). Helen couldn't speak English so she and I used her app on her phone as a translator and just texted what we were trying to say haha, she's super cute. They live right above us. Our apartment is amazing. I wasn't expecting it to be this nice, it's wonderful! We are very blessed. They are so sweet, I really like them. We woke up at 6:30 this morning, wired as all get out. hahaha. Oh, but the beds are UBER hard. hahaha but [:)] I secretly liked it...haha it made me feel adventurous....hahaha I'm absolutely loving it! It's realllllllllyyyyyyyy humid, but it's great!
 Love you All!

My Bedroom :) No that bike is not mind, I wish! hahaha
The other side of my room, and Caralyn chillin :)

our beautifully thin mattress... :D (bythe way, when I sit ontop and knock on my mattress, it sounds like I'm knocking on a door. hahaha)
Super hard bed

Anna in her giant room hahaha

Our beautiful view! We live in such a cute neighborhood.

A western toilet!

Our Cute kitchen! :)


  1. Glad you are here, and I hope your "system" keeps working so you can keep posting. Good luck in your beautiful area!

  2. I totally forgot to tell you about the super hard beds! They don't believe in soft beds over there. :)
